API Documentation

Fetch mentions

Path: /api/mentions

Returns a JSON-encoded array with all posts whose mentions matches the defined query paramaters

Is CORS-enabled to enable use by web applications.


Response parameters

Apart from the self explanatory ones, here's a description of the response parameters:

Query parameters

Realtime mentions

Path: /api/mentions/live

An EventSource stream that the browser can subscribe to. The realtime counterpart to the /api/mentions endpoint. Sends mention events with the JSON-encoded mention object for all new mentions that would be included in a request to that endpoint.

Is CORS-enabled to enable use by web applications.

Supports the same query parameters as /api/mentions, except for the "interactions" one.

HTML Embedding

Path: /api/embed

Returns a javascript that, when included in a page, will add an HTML representation of all the matching WebMentions as well as subscribe to new matching mentions in realtime and add them as they come.

Simple example

Advanced example

Preferred usage

Query parameters

Supports all query paramaters of the /api/mentions endpoint (except for the "format" one) as well as the ones below:

Experimental query parameters

Currently available versions are

Built by VoxPelli. Part of the IndieWeb movement.